
Docker Images and Software Development Kits (SDK) to integrate into your applications and servers.


Docker Images


Deploy the docker image on your system and generate any of 51 tax forms in portable document or image formats.

  • Uses REST API.
  • Your client software does http POST of tax document data in JSON format.
  • Microservice responds with application/pdf, image/jpeg, or image/png response.
  • Saves you over 250 hours of research and development effort

Distributed from Google Artifact Registry

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Convert tax data from Open Financial Exchange (OFX) xml to Financial Data Exchange (FDX) json format.

  • Includes support for all 37 tax forms supported by OFX specification
  • Do HTTP POST Request containing OFX XML from your app
  • Server responds with FDX JSON.
  • Saves you over 200 hours of research and development effort

Distributed from Google Artifact Registry

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Convert Excel spreadsheet data to FDX JSON and PDF formats.



Software Development Kits (SDKs)

FDX Tax Data Object Creation SDK

Sample code to create and populate FDX tax form objects and serialize to JSON

Java code including:

  • Tax form data models for 51 tax forms
  • Sample code to populate all 51 forms with data
  • JSON serialization code
  • Updates for any changes to tax year 2021 specifications

This SDK will jump start your development of downloadable FDX JSON files and save you over 160 hours of research and development.

Available from Bitbucket source code repository or zip file download.

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QR Code Generation SDK

Add QR codes to your tax documents

Java code including:

  • Tax form data models for 51 tax forms
  • Code to convert tax form data to JSON
  • Code to convert JSON to QR image (.png)

Generating JSON and QR codes is not rocket science. But this SDK can save you hours of research and development if you are not already familiar with the creation of QR codes.

Available from Bitbucket source code repository or zip file download.

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FDX Tax API Server

Customize, build, and deploy to any environment that hosts Docker containers.

Available from Bitbucket source code repository or downloadable SDK

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Convert tax data from Open Financial Exchange (OFX) xml to Financial Data Exchange (FDX) json format.

Java source code including:

  • Includes support for all 37 tax forms supported by OFX specification
  • Includes 4 modules:
    1. All OFX Tax data models
    2. All FDX Tax data models
    3. OFX to FDX conversion code
    4. OFX to FDX servlet code
  • Saves you over 240 hours of research and development effort

Available from Bitbucket source code repository or downloadable zip file.

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FDX Tax Data Model Files

Just clone repository(ies):

No need to set up your own model file generation.

One-time fee of $150.

FDX tax data model files in the following languages:

  • CSharp
  • Java
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • TypeScript
  • YAML
  • JSON
  • Other languages (upon request)
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OFX Tax Data Model Files

Just clone the repository. No need to set up your own model file generation.

Available from Bitbucket source code repository or downloadable zip file

OFX tax data model files in the following languages:

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