Docker Image for Form 1099-SA
These instructions assume you are familiar with Docker technology
including deploying Docker containers as microservices.
One-Time Authorization Setup
The docker application (image) is hosted at Google Artifact Registry.
Upon purchase of a license to the docker image, we will grant permission to a google account of your naming to the access the artifact.
It will be necessary for you to do a one-time set-up to install the applicable Google credentials into Docker. There are 2 methods.
Method 1: Use the Google Command Line (gcloud) App.
If you have not installed 'gcloud' previously, see for installation instructions.
After installing the gcloud program, from a command prompt, run this command:
gcloud init
Then run this command
gcloud auth configure-docker
This will provide docker the needed credential helper.
Method 2: Use the Google Docker credential helper
This method can be used if you sign in to Docker with a Google account.
Go to and download the file applicable to your system.
Unzip the archive file and place the helper app somewhere in the path on your computer.
From a command prompt, run this command
docker-credential-gcr configure-docker
The credentials are saved in '.docker/config.json' your user home directory.
For more detailed instructions, see
Download the image to your computer
docker pull
Run the Docker app on your computer
docker run --publish 8080:8080
Produce a sample PDF form.
Open a browser window and enter the below URL
POST JSON to the microservice
POST TaxDataList object as application/json. Download sample JSON
Accept application/pdf
Example IntelliJ .http file
POST http://localhost:8080/fdx/v5/tax-forms Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/pdf < Tax1099Sa.TaxDataList.fdx.json
Example curl command
curl -X POST --location "http://localhost:8080/fdx/v5/tax-forms" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Accept: application/pdf" \ -d Tax1099Sa.TaxDataList.fdx.json
Build and Deploy Container
Follow the procedures applicable to your server hosting service.