Docker Image for Form 3922
These instructions assume you are familiar with Docker technology
including deploying Docker containers as microservices.
Microservice Version
See One-Time Authorization Set Up below.
Download the image to your computer
docker pull
For Testing — Run the Docker app on your computer
docker run --publish 8080:8080
Perform Tests — POST JSON to the microservice
- Download sample TaxStatement object as JSON
- POST TaxStatement object as application/json.
- Accept application/pdf
Example IntelliJ .http file
POST http://localhost:8080/fdx/v6/tax-forms Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/pdf < Tax3922.json
Example curl command
curl --request POST --location "http://localhost:8080/fdx/v6/tax-forms" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "Accept: application/pdf" \ --data Tax3922.json
For Production — Build and Deploy Container
Follow the procedures applicable to your server hosting service.
Command Line Version
See One-Time Authorization Set Up below.
Download the image to your computer
docker pull
Place CSV file in folder to be shared with Docker
Run the Docker app on your computer
share=/Users/yourname/docker-share docker container run --detach --interactive --tty --name tax3922-generator-cli-latest --volume ${share}:/var/shared-folder tax3922-generator-cli:latest
Execute the Job
docker container exec tax3922-generator-cli-latest sh
See results in /Users/yourname/docker-share/tax3922/pdf-print, pdf-download, pdf-issuer, and other folders
One-Time Authorization Setup
The docker application (image) is hosted at Google Artifact Registry.
Upon purchase of a license to the docker image, we will grant permission to a google account of your naming to the access the artifact.
It will be necessary for you to do a one-time set-up to install the applicable Google credentials into Docker. There are 2 methods.
Method 1: Use the Google Command Line (gcloud) App.
If you have not installed 'gcloud' previously, see for installation instructions.
After installing the gcloud program, from a command prompt, run this command:
gcloud init
Then run this command
gcloud auth configure-docker
This will provide docker the needed credential helper.
Method 2: Use the Google Docker credential helper
This method can be used if you sign in to Docker with a Google account.
Go to and download the file applicable to your system.
Unzip the archive file and place the helper app somewhere in the path on your computer.
From a command prompt, run this command
docker-credential-gcr configure-docker
The credentials are saved in '.docker/config.json' your user home directory.
For more detailed instructions, see